Wildbiefstuk van de barbecue

Barbecue venison steak

James Snoerwang

Steak remains one of the most versatile cuts of game in the kitchen. Yet for many people it remains exciting to prepare them properly, especially on the barbecue. Therefore, here is the master guide for venison on the barbecue:

Number of persons: 2-4-6-etc

Preparation time: 20 minutes



    1. Remove the steaks from the refrigerator an hour before preparing to let them come to room temperature. This ensures that the steaks cook better

    2. Pat the steaks dry and rub with vegetable oil, season generously with salt and pepper

    3. Cook the steaks on a hot barbecue

    4. Remove the steaks from the barbecue and let rest in aluminum foil for 10 minutes

    Use the following times and/or core temperatures:

    Wild boar: 3 minutes per side or 57-60 degrees

    Venison: 2 minutes per side or 46-52 degrees

    Venison: 1.5 minutes per side or 46-52 degrees

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