Plant-based & Wild

The fair alternative to factory farming, delivered at your doorstep

Het eerlijke alternatief voor de bio-industrie

Ons nieuwste kookboek

Bekijk de recepten op onze website of download het gerechtenboek gratis als PDF.

Our promises

Real wild meat of the highest quality, free of factory farming and without loss of nature, easily delivered to your home

Local & Natural

Our game comes from our affiliated areas in Europe and always from the wild.

Free from factory farming

We process it into the best and tastiest products without any form of factory farming. This means: no eggs, dairy, fat or other animal products. Just plant-based + wild.

Highest quality

Our products always have the highest quality. No unnecessary additives and a rich and diverse diet from nature.

Bestel online, of kom naar de winkel

Bezorging in heel Nederland al mogelijk vanaf €75,-, vanaf €200,- gratis en altijd gratis in Amsterdam.

Je bestelling afhalen in de winkel of even lekker komen winkelen? Dat kan natuurlijk ook.

Kom naar de Gerard Doustraat 180 in Amsterdam


Ma-Di: Gesloten

Wo-Vr: 11.00-18.00

Za-Zo: 11.00-16.00

Be inspired, choose your products and we will deliver them to your home

The Wild Grilled Sausage


Wild Rendang of Deer


Wild deer steaks

Real wild meat

Wild & Deli

Shop & Events

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De wilde cadeaubon

The Wild Gift Voucher

Braadpan met procureur wild zwijn
Wild boxes

The Wild Charcuterie Box

Our story

We are three friends with a shared passion for nature, hunting and good food. Want to know more about what we do and why? Then read more via the button below.